But if North Dakota's boom is going to spread into a long period of prosperity, it's going to need to figure out a way to import more human resources. 但是如果北达科他州的发展想长远化,它需要找出一种方法以引进更多的劳动人口。
On the other hand, if the media starts talking about a boom period, everyone would hop on board and there actually would be a boom period. 另一方面,如果媒介大谈经济繁荣,那么人人都会在经济大潮中激流勇进,从而造成真正的繁荣。
In fact, rather than the end of the commodities boom, some economists forecast a period of short-term metal price weakness and increased volatility to be followed by a fresh period of rising prices, driven by the long-term growth of the Chinese and Indian economies. 实际上,一些经济学家没有认为大宗商品繁荣期将要结束,而是认为在经历一段短暂的金属价格疲软和波动加剧之后,在中国和印度经济长期增长的推动下,将会出现新一轮价格上涨。
That puts 2011 so far ahead of the boom years, according to Dealogic, with deal volumes higher than in any year-to-date period since 2000. dealogic表示,2011年迄今为止的数据已超过经济繁荣时期的年份,同期交易额高于2000年以来的任何一年。
The system worked well for more than two decades, helped by the post-war economic boom, particularly in Germany and Japan which began the period with undervalued exchange rates. 二十多年中,该体系都运作良好。这受益于战后的经济繁荣,而日德两国开始压低汇率后,更是让其锦上添花。
While very strong developing country growth during the boom period may reflect underlying growth potential, the global financial conditions that fueled it were clearly unsustainable. 尽管发展中国家在繁荣时期十分强劲的增长可能反映出其内在的增长潜力,但是推动这一增长的全球金融环境显然却是不可持续的。
International capital costs will therefore be higher and investment rates lower over the next several years when compared with the pre-crisis boom period. 因此,在未来若干年,与危机前的繁荣期相比,国际资本成本将会上升,投资率也会下降。
New Boom Period of Nuclear Power Construction: Trade Prosperity in Construction Machinery Industry 新一轮核电建设:工程建设机械行业的商机
Shandong silk experienced its boom as early as the Autumn and Warring States Period, and covered a wide variety of various typicalplain fabrics such as Wan, Gao, etc. 山东丝绸在春秋战国时期已有相当大的发展,形成了以纨、缟等素织物为代表作的品种群。
With the economic boom in China at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the society stepped into a transitional period, which was characterized by the trend of pluralism in culture. 二十、二十一世纪之交的中国社会,经济飞速发展,社会进入转型期,文化呈现多元化趋向。
The boom of mass-culture is an unavoidable period during the development process of human culture. 大众文化的蓬勃发展是整个人类文化发展不可逾越的阶段。
On the Economic-social Background of English Drama's Boom in the Period of Elizabeth ⅰ 论伊丽莎白一世时期英国戏剧繁荣的经济社会背景
And this boom reflected a necessary and conscious reaction to the intrusion of the powerful and aggressive Western culture in that period. 此外,这一繁荣并不是偶然和无意识的行为,而是中国文化在西方强势文化的干预下必然和有意识的反应。
The article points out that because of its size China may cause the resources boom associated with the later decades of its period of sustained rapid growth to raise the prices of resource-intensive products by a large amount, not for a few years, but for several decades. 文章指出,在中国经济持续快速增长的后期,对能源消费的增长可能会使资源密集型产品价格大幅上涨,中国庞大的市场规模可能会使价格上涨持续几十年,而不仅仅是几年。
Web service, widely considered as the future trend of grid in the next generation of Internet, takes up more than 70% of communication traffic and goes into its boom period. Web服务占据了当前网络70%以上的通信流量,并呈明显上升的趋势,在下一代互联网中Web服务普遍被认为代表了网格的发展方向。
To optimize the design of ice boom, numerical method is necessary because of the high cost and long period of model tests. 但是,鉴于物理模型实验高成本及长周期的缺陷,若要对拦冰索进行优化设计就必须对这一过程的数值模拟方法进行探究。
With the advent of the domestic subway construction boom, huge demand for funds for subway construction has caused tremendous pressure on local governments in Twelfth Five-year Plan period. 十二五期间,国内地铁建设热潮来临,巨额的地铁资金需求对地方财政造成了巨大压力。
To the beginning of this century, the study on multi-objective evolutionary algorithm entered a boom period, and evolutionary algorithms have become the research focus with most practical value. 到了本世纪初,多目标进化算法的研究进入了兴旺时期,已成为进化算法中最具实用价值的研究热点。
The productivity boom starting from the third bed, the flowering of primary productivity in this period provide rich nutrients for metazoan. 从第三段开始进入生产力的繁盛期,该时期初级生产力的的繁盛为后生动物提供丰富的营养物质。
Recent years that is just the boom period of the Chinese film from the both in terms. 从电影和城市的双重发展来审视,近十年也恰是中国电影的再次繁荣时期,这些都为电影中城市空间的研究提供了丰富的素材和依据。
In recent years, as the innovation of technologies emerge constantly, the global communications industry has entered a boom period, which is a new fusion, huge revolution and great transition period of development. 近年来,全球通信产业风起云涌,技术创新层出不穷,整个产业已进入新的大融合、大变革和大转型的发展时期。
A lot of questions came up, while the new curriculum reform is in a boom period. 在新课改风风火火的正高歌猛进的时候,不少质疑声冒了出来。
Many listed companies invested a large number of funds to the market in the boom period, but the sub-prime crisis in America swept the world, producing much trouble for many enterprises to recover their investment. 许多上市公司在经济景气时期加大投资的力度,将资金大量投放市场。由美国次贷危机带来的冲击,给许多企业投资的回收造成了困难。
In recent years, with the boom of "return to nature" and "the renewed emphasis on natural medicine", Chinese medicine has entered into a new period of development. 近年来,随着回归大自然和重新重视天然药物热潮,中医药进入了新的发展时期。
Due to the boom period of money lending out much more special, so in bubbles collapse bank losses will be particularly heavy. 由于在经济繁荣时期贷出去的款项特别多,那么在泡沫破灭的时候银行的损失也将特别惨重。
On the contrary, the opposite result will occur in the boom period. 相反在经济繁荣时期则会出现相反的结果。
There was a long time steady and fast development of worldwide economy before financial crisis broke out, especially the speed up of industrialization of developing countries headed by China made the international dry bulk shipping market come forth the boom period in history. 金融危机爆发以前的很长一段里,世界经济平稳较快增长,尤其是以中国为首的发展中国家工业化进程的加速,使国际干散货航运市场出现了历史上的黄金期。
The second boom of real estate industry began in 2003, which is still lasting today, during this period, the government began to carry out an overall macroeconomic regulation on the real estate industry. 第二次高速发展期始于2003年持续至今,在此阶段,我国政府开始全方位的对房地产业进行宏观调控。
With the boom of China vehicles, the auto industry has become saturated and entered a period of adjustment, meanwhile, the laws and regulations make increasingly stringent requirements on product quality. 伴随近几年汽车行业井喷式发展,汽车产业已趋于饱和,行业进入调整期,同时法律法规对汽车产品质量的要求也越来越严格。